Our professional cleaning team will ensure your space is spotless!
We understand the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy home, and our goal is to provide you with a deep cleaning experience that will leave your home spotless.
Our detailed cleaning service includes everything in our basic house cleaning, from sweeping and mopping to vacuuming and dusting. But we don’t stop there – we also pay special attention to those hard-to-reach areas and tough-to-find dirt and dust that can be easily overlooked.
We use a rotational system to ensure that your home is consistently cleaned, and that the results of our detailed cleaning are maintained over time.
We understand that every home is unique, and we offer a room-by-room breakdown of our cleaning services to ensure that every aspect of your home is taken care of. Our kitchen cleaning includes appliances, countertops, and cabinets. Our bathroom cleaning includes toilets, showers, and bathtubs. Our bedroom cleaning includes dusting, vacuuming, and making beds. Our living area cleaning includes dusting, vacuuming, and furniture cleaning. We also offer cleaning services for any additional rooms or areas that you may have.
In addition to our standard cleaning procedures, we also offer additional services such as window cleaning, carpet cleaning, and laundry services.
We believe that a clean home is essential for a happy family, and we are committed to providing you with the best cleaning service possible. We understand that everyone’s needs are different, so we are happy to customize our cleaning plans to fit your unique needs.
If you’re interested in scheduling a detailed maid cleaning service, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to helping you create a spotless home that you and your family can enjoy.

Detailed House Cleaning Includes:
- Wiping down all doors, frames, knobs, and light switch plates with a damp cloth
- Cleaning accessible ceiling fans, light fixtures, and vents
- Vacuuming, edging, and grooming carpeted areas
- Dusting and wiping all furniture with a damp cloth
- Dusting items on furniture and lampshades
- Vacuuming the tops of drapes or valances
- Cleaning and washing hard surface floors
- Scrubbing and drying sinks, showers, and fixtures
- Cleaning the interior and exterior of toilets
- Cleaning mirrors, glass in picture frames, and any other glass surfaces.
Detailed cleaning pricing can vary depending on the complexity of the job and the specific services requested. It’s recommended to get a free estimate from us by calling (702) 583-5010.
We'll Do The Cleaning
“I had Tiffany Maid Service come in for a one-time deep clean before a big party and they exceeded my expectations. They were able to get every nook and cranny and my home looked brand new. I’ll definitely be using their services again.”
– John D.